Start date: September 14, 2017
Start time: 18:30
End date: September 9, 2017
End time: 21:00
Location: St Paul’s Vicarage Garden
Event type: Garden Party
From 6.30 till 9 on Thursday 14th September
In the Vicarage Garden
With music, drinks, food, sunshine* and good company (*sunshine isn’t guaranteed!)
The Garden Party is a great occasion on which to welcome in neighbours and guests from the parish and further afield – and we hope that you will use it as a chance to expend hospitality to any who might enjoy an encounter with the life of St Paul’s Knightsbridge. Drinks, music, food – and all in the best possible company!
Start date: September 14, 2017
Start time: 18:30
End date: September 9, 2017
End time: 21:00
Location: St Paul’s Vicarage Garden
Event type: Garden Party