On the first Sunday of every month we sit down together at 1pm to eat a Parish Lunch cooked by volunteers. For some, who live alone, it is a welcome opportunity to enjoy good company; but for everyone, it is a chance to get to know one another better.
Every Sunday after the 11:00 Solemn Eucharist there are drinks at the back of church – and earlier in the day, coffee after the 09:00 Family Mass.
There is a Parish Autumn Garden Party on the second or third Thursday of September each year; it takes place in the Vicarage Garden behind the church and is an opportunity for members of the local community to gather with members of the regular congregation.
There is an annual Music Dinner (a fundraising event) in February each year. Dinner is provided by the Berkeley Hotel in the Ballroom and music between courses is provided by members of the choir and our other musicians.
There are regular Pilgrimages and Retreats overseas, which combine the opportunity to visit places of interest in a group, to have time for some theological and spiritual challenge, and to enjoy one another’s company over dinner. Usually these take place over four days/three nights – and arrangements are made so that you can tailor your accommodation and travel to your budget.
The co-ordinator of social events is Caroline Docker. To find out more, or to introduce yourself, click here to fill out the contact form.