Monthly Archive: August 2015
No. 5 – Reframing Life
Hanging on the wall of my study is a landscape by the now well-known Dorset-based landscape artist David Atkins. When I bought it fifteen years ago in Battersea Art Centre, the artist was less well-established and, like many younger artists, prioritised painting over the cost of framing. The picture is very fine and pleasing, and […]
No. 4 – Urgency & Importance
A clergy colleague of mine in a previous job had the floor of his study divided into four quadrants by means of a big cross of gaffer-tape stuck to the floor. Four squares, with his desk in the middle. He was one of those people who ‘filed’ things in piles, never quite getting as far […]
No. 3 – The Quantification of Time
Although in the realms of science fiction (and somewhere on the edges of theoretical physics), time can ‘warp’ and ‘bend’, in actual fact the ticking of the clock remains constant for us. A second always lasts for precisely a second – and in every day there are 86400 of them in every day. Precisely. Not […]
No. 2 – Time spent with people
A wise priest of pastoral instinct once said, “Time spent with people is never wasted.” What rubbish! We all waste huge amounts of time in the company of others. That just being in the same place as other people is, in and of itself, a good thing is an assumption that deserves to be examined. […]
No. 1 – Cyclicality
In 1993, Anders Ericsson of the Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Colorado undertook a study of what makes for ‘expert performance.’ With the help of students and staff from the Berlin Music Academy, he acquired a huge amount of data about the lifestyles and habits of a cohort of talented students, and he correlated […]
Sermon – Fr Andrew Sloane – Sunday 16 August 2015
Listen to the Sermon of Fr Andrew Sloane – Sunday 16 August 2015
Weekly News 16 August 2015
You can see the Weekly News sheet for 16th August 2015, Trinity 11 (Solemnity of the Assumption), here.
Walsingham Day Pilgrimage
With great regret, the parish trip to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham in Norfolk on Saturday 3rd October 2015 has been cancelled.
The Foundation Carol Service December 2015
With celebrity readers and music from the renowned choir of St. Paul’s Knightsbridge, the 2015 Foundation Carol Service is taking place on Tuesday 1st December 2015 at 6.30pm. In conjunction with The Berkeley Hotel, this is the perfect way to kick off the festive season in style! With stunning music, festive readings, chilled Champagne and […]
Weekly News 2 Aug 15
You can see the Weekly News sheet for 2nd August 2015, Trinity 9, here.