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During Lent this year, on Tuesday evenings, we are going to revisit time-honoured catholic practices for living the Christian life. Our desire is to discover ancient disciplines for helping us to grow in the abundant life that is God’s gift to us.
Confession – 7th March The old Anglican dictum for Confession is ‘all may, some should, none must.’ It may have fallen out of fashion, 2 but our television screens and print media are full of ‘confessional’ stories. What is the Anglican approach to confession, sometimes called the sacrament of reconciliation, and how might we make fuller use of it?
Fasting – 14th March We have an ambiguous relationship with fasting, often seeing it as an opportunity for losing a few pounds, but how can a gentle discipline of fasting enable us to become more attentive to God’s Spirit in our lives?
Mary – 21st March Mary is honoured in both sublime music and in established prayers, but who is Mary for us as Anglican Christians? We will explore Mary as a model for Christian discipleship and the thinking that lies behind the devotion to her.
Praying with the body – 28th March We pray with our bodies as much as we pray with our hearts and minds. Standing, kneeling, making the sign of cross, genuflecting and bowing for starters – are these empty gestures or do they have a more vital role to play in our worship of God?
Scripture – 4th April The Bible was written over thousands of years in cultures very different from our own, yet its power to transform is perennial. What is a catholic approach to reading the Scriptures and how do we understand its authority in our lives?
We look forward to your joining us for these free discussions.
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