Start date: June 21, 2017
Start time: 19:30
End date: June 21, 2017
End time: 21:00
Location: St Paul’s Church
Event type: Classic Concert
IT WAS GOOD to see so many of you at the concert at St Paul’s a few weeks ago. I thought that those who came, and also those who missed it, might be interested to see a film of the concert which my piano teacher Iago Nunez, has very kindly produced and edited.
Here are the links to the complete performance of the Beethoven Piano and Cello sonata, op 69, and the Rachmaninoff Vocalise.
I had a lot of fun preparing for and playing at this event and it was a joy to work with Findlay Spence, the young cellist and scholar at St Paul’s. We raised on the evening almost £30,000 of the £45,000 we need for St Paul’s to purchase a new cello for Findlay and thank you so much to everyone for donating so generously. If anyone who would like to donate hasn’t yet had the opportunity to do so……Donations can be made online below. All contributions, however large or small, would be gratefully received! They will go to the St Paul’s Foundation which will purchase the cello to be made available on long term loan to Findlay – it will make a huge difference to his ability to pursue what I am sure is going to be a very successful career.
Thanks again and best regards. Happy viewing! John
Start date: June 21, 2017
Start time: 19:30
End date: June 21, 2017
End time: 21:00
Location: St Paul’s Church
Event type: Classic Concert