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Bishop of London’s Lent Appeal 2010 Dear colleagues,Fundraising in YOUR parish this Lent.For the past four years the staff of Spaghetti House in Knightsbridge have supported the Diocese’s Lent Appeal in our parish. Over that time they’ve helped us as a parish to raise over £50,000 for lenten good causes (not all from Spaghetti (!) – but their help has been invaluable). Good ideas have a habit of growing. This year we’ve been talking and have agreed to think bigger and to extend their support to all their restaurants in central London! They’re no longer going to be supporting ‘us’ locally, but rather the Bishop of London’s Lent Appeal across the Diocese. They have 750 tables in 11 central London parishes. The game is simply this. There’s a voucher above. You can print it as many times as you like (or email rosie@spkb.org for a bulk delivery of printed vouchers) – and if each of you hands one over when you pay, they’ll give £1 per customer per meal to the Bishop of London’s Lent Appeal, every time you eat there this Lent.
Maybe you’ll think of arranging a ‘Spaghetti Sunday’ (as we’ve done here in the past) and eat together as a congregation after your service… or, instead of a drafty hall, why not hold one of your meetings over a simple meal? Check their website (www.spaghettihouse.co.uk ) and contact your local manager – he or she will be glad to help.
Is there a catch? No. It helps them, of course: but it helps the Appeal too – and if, in the midst of it all, your congregation gets to know one another better and you get to know the manager and staff of your local restaurant, it might be not a bad idea! The Spaghetti House – in partnership with the Diocese of London: for the good of children in Angola and Mozambique . With best wishes, Alan Gyle
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