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09:00 Family Mass & blessing of Palms
11:00 Blessing of Palms, Procession & Solemn Mass
Preacher: Fr Alan Gyle
Music: Weelkes, Byrd, Blow
18:00 Evening Prayer
09:00 Morning Prayer
18:00 Low Mass
09:00 Morning Prayer
18:00 Low Mass
09:00 Morning Prayer
18:45 Wednesday Evening Service for Holy Week
Preacher: David Oldham, Ordinand
09:00 Morning Prayer
10:30 Diocesan Chrism Mass with Renewal of Ordination Vows and Blessing of the Oils in St Paul’s Cathedral. Preacher: The Bishop of London. All Welcome.
19:30Solemn liturgy & procession
with watch of the passion until midnight
Preacher: Fr Alan Gyle
Music: Berkeley, Tavener, de Severac
09:00 Morning Prayer
10:30 Stations of the Cross for children
followed by hot cross buns
Noon Preaching the Cross – Fr Richard Coles
On Good Friday Fr Richard Coles, Curate, explores some of the Passion Psalms of the Icelandic priest-poet Hallgrimur Petursson. The Passion Psalms, “The history of the pain and death of our Lord, Jesus Christ, with special learning, reminding, and consoling articles, prayers and praises, in psalms and songs with misc. notes, compiled and written in the year 1659”, are a collection of fifty hymns to be sung and said, one each working day, during Lent. The life of Hallgrimur Petursson, son of a bell ringer, nephew of a bishop, runaway, anti-slaver and leper, was as vivid as his master piece, and his Passion Psalms are still read daily in Lent in Iceland, nowadays on the national radio network. Discover more about them, about him, and about how we might focus on the climactic events of Christ’s life and death at the Preaching of the Passion at noon on Good Friday
14:00 The Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday
09:00 Morning Prayer
20:30 Vigil, Blessing of the New Fire &
First Mass of Easter
followed by champagne reception
Music: Lassus, Phillips, Taverner
09:00 Family Mass
11:00 Solemn High Mass
Preacher: Fr Alan Gyle
Music: Langlais, Hadley & Mascagni
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