Start date: April 13, 2019
Start time: 09:00
End date: April 20, 2019
End time: 09:00
Join us for our keeping of Holy Week – the pinnacle of the church’s year – as we journey from Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, through the events of the triduum – the great three days: the last supper; his arrest, trial and passion; his death and burial; and his resurrection on Easter Day.
9:00 Family Mass
11:00 Procession and Solemn High Mass
9:00 Morning Prayer
19:30 Solemn Mass, Procession and Watch
9:00 Morning Prayer
10:30 Stations of the Cross for children followed by hot cross buns
Noon Preaching the Passion – Fr Alan Gyle with hymns and music
14:00 Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday
9:00 Morning Prayer
10:00 Church cleaning and preparation for Easter
20:30 Easter Vigil & First Mass of Easter followed by Champagne reception
9:00 Family Mass
11:00 Solemn High Mass
Start date: April 13, 2019
Start time: 09:00
End date: April 20, 2019
End time: 09:00