Start date: April 4, 2020
Start time: 09:00
End date: April 11, 2020
End time: 09:00
Join us from your home for our keeping of Holy Week – the pinnacle of the church’s year – as we journey from Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, through the events of the triduum – the great three days: the last supper; his arrest, trial and passion; his death and burial; and his resurrection on Easter Day.
Here are details of our revised programme. Click this link if you’d like to join our mailing list to receive regular mailings and details of how to access our virtual services.
If you are new to St Paul’s, it would be wonderful to hear from you, so please click here to introduce yourself by email.
11:00 A virtual liturgy for Palm Sunday
12:15 Virtual drinks in our Zoom room
17:00 Daily Prayer
20:00 Virtual liturgy for Maundy Thursday with Fr Alan Gyle
10:30 Virtual liturgy for children and families
14:00 Virtual liturgy for Good Friday with Fr Alan Gyle and Fr Luigi Gioia
11:00 Virtual coffee morning in our Zoom Room
There will be no liturgy on Holy Saturday
11:00 A virtual liturgy for Easter Day with Fr Alan Gyle
12:15 Virtual drinks in our Zoom room
Start date: April 4, 2020
Start time: 09:00
End date: April 11, 2020
End time: 09:00