Start date: April 12, 2016
Start time: 19:30
End date: May 17, 2016
End time: 20:45
Location: St Paul’s Church
Event type: null
“Do this in remembrance of me…” The Eucharist is the Church’s central act of worship and prayer, from which heart everything else flows. Join us for a six-week exploration of the Sacrament – with Bishop Stephen Platten and Fr Louis Darrant.
LIVING THE EUCHARIST: INTRODUCTORY EVENT Wednesday 13th April Mass at 18:45; refreshments and event at 19:30, with Bishop Stephen Platten
LIVING THE EUCHARIST: STUDY SESSIONS Wednesdays 20th, 27th April and 4th, 11th and 18th May; Mass at 18:45 followed by four study sessions, with Fr Louis Darrant.
Rt Revd Dr Stephen Platten is the new Rector of St Michael’s Cornhill and an honorary assistant Bishop to the Diocese of London. He takes up this position following the formal dissolution of the Diocese of Wakefield last year, where he had served as the Bishop of Wakefield for the previous eleven years.
Fr Louis Darrant is Associate Vicar of St Paul’s Knightsbridge and Christian Formation lead for the church.
These events are free – and all are welcome.
Start date: April 12, 2016
Start time: 19:30
End date: May 17, 2016
End time: 20:45
Location: St Paul’s Church
Event type: null