Start date: December 17, 2019
Start time: 19:00
End date: December 17, 2019
End time: 20:30
Location: St Paul’s Church
The traditional Service of Nine Lessons and Carols with the choir & musicians of St Paul’s Knightsbridge, followed by mulled wine and mince pies generously provided by our neighbours at The Hari hotel.
Gibbons – As on the night
Warlock – Adam lay ybounden
Praetorius – Quem pastores laudavere
Rubbra – Dormi Jesu
Byrd – O magnum mysterium
Gardner – Tomorrow shall be my Dancing Day
Mendelssohn – Frohlocket ihr Völker
Tavener – The Lamb
A free event – all welcome!
Start date: December 17, 2019
Start time: 19:00
End date: December 17, 2019
End time: 20:30
Location: St Paul’s Church