Position of Organist & Assistant Director of Liturgical Music
Posted on: Wednesday 13th November 2019
Following a review of the music staffing, St Paul’s Knightsbridge seeks to appoint a successor to Michael Papadopoulos as Organist and Assistant Director of Liturgical Music. The church is also scoping a new and distinct role to focus on the use of music as a tool for mission and outreach.
The Organist and Assistant Director of Liturgical Music (ADofLM) will support Dr Stephen Farr (who has been in post since 2007) in maintaining and developing liturgical music making for regular and special services. The ADofLM must be a first-rate organist, of FRCO standard, with wide experience of liturgical playing and an extensive solo repertoire, and must be able to work with good humour under pressure of tight deadlines. He or she will have some experience in directing vocal ensembles of professional singers.
Click this link for full details of the role, person specification and application procedure.
The closing date for applications is 13th December 2019.