Faith in God demands a response – and our primary response is awe, reverence and praise. From this flows everything else. It’s the fundamental driver of our coming together Sunday by Sunday, day by day. As we stand in God’s presence and worship, we receive that grace and strength that flows from this orientation of life. And it is this renewed life that we seek to offer to the world. We’re an Anglo-Catholic church and so those who come will find a community that values tradition, ritual and formality in worship.
The Eucharist (or Mass or Holy Communion) is at the very heart of our Christian life, and is celebrated each Sunday.
Morning Prayer is said in the Chancel daily at 9:00 (Mon-Sat) and at 9:30 on Sundays.
Evening Prayer is said via Zoom daily (Mon-Sat) at 18:00.
A large part of our time is spent helping people to mark life events: their marriage, the birth of a child, the loss of a loved-one. St Paul’s is a church to come to in each of life’s seasons, in good times and in bad. We aim to offer excellence of both pastoral care and great liturgical and musical resources to help you to mark these events, and we’re well known for our work. Please speak to one of the clergy or call the Parish Office on 020 7201 9999